Introduction to the principle of thermal printers and thermal transfer printers

Introduction to the principle of thermal printers and thermal transfer printers

There are two printer printing methods: thermal printing and thermal transfer printing, both of which are printing images on paper by heating. Thermal paper does not require media such as ink or ribbon to print images directly on thermal paper. Thermal transfer printing requires materials to print out images.

Principle of thermal printer:

Thermal printing is to print an image by heating the print head to produce a chemical reaction with thermal paper. Thermal printing does not require any media such as ink, ribbon, etc., so the cost of thermal printing is low. Thermal printing is simple and durable, and is our common printing method.

The image produced by thermal printing will become blurred with time, making the barcode unrecognizable. The image printed by thermal printing cannot be retained for a long time, but it can still be stored for 1-3 years under certain conditions and can still be recognized.

Principle of thermal transfer printer:

Thermal transfer printers use the print head to heat the ribbon and print ink or other materials on paper to form an image. The ink has the characteristic of not being blurred for a long time, so the image produced by thermal transfer printing has better quality and can be stored for a longer time than thermal printing. Some specific labels, bills, and logos are produced by thermal transfer printing to ensure their durability.

Therefore, when choosing thermal printers and thermal transfer printers, you need to pay attention to their respective characteristics.